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Leading the Church to become like Christ through gospel-centered worship.

Worship With Us

At Christ Community, we are committed to gathering faithfully and worshipping intentionally through excellent Christ-centered worship.

Praise Team & Band

Praise team and band require a deeper level of commitment and skill; therefore, an audition is required. Our desire at this level is for the body of Christ to steward their giftings for the sake of glorifying God in our weekly services from a place of authenticity and passion for the Lord.

Production Team

Our Production team is an extension of our worship ministry and is tasked with the integral behind-the-scenes responsibilities to ensure the God can be glorified through the technical side of our services. This includes audio, video, lighting, lyrics, and so much more. All volunteers will be equipped to serve in each area of interest.

Worship Choir

Our Worship Choir is a vibrant group of adults passionate about music and using their talents to praise the Lord. The worship choir is open to anyone regardless of experience and is a great way to get plugged into community. The Worship Choir sings the last Sunday of each month, as well as Easter, Christmas, and nights of Worship.


Sunday:  8:30am, 10am, & 11:30am


Sunday:  10:00am

About Worship Ministry

Our aim is to lead people to make much of Jesus through biblically robust, gospel-centered worship and praise. As we do, our prayer is that people will be drawn deeper into a life of Christ-exalting surrender.

Scripturally Sound

God reveals Himself to all creation through his Word. At Christ Community, our worship is intentionally rooted in the precepts of God’s Word. We desire to sing back praises to our God in a way that acknowledges and adorns His nature and character. 


The object of our worship is Jesus Christ. Every song we sing, every note we play, every word we speak: it all testifies to the incredible majesty and glory of God. As we worship, we do so with our focus set firmly on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Dynamic Praise

When we approach God in worship, we do so knowing that God has created us as a people with a full range of emotion. That’s why at Christ Community, our worship is filled with moments of praise, repentance, celebration, and remembrance. 

Worship & Production Team

Jeff Campbell

Pastor of Worship Ministries

Nils Andersen

Worship Leader, Christ Community Denver

Austin Flewell

Worship Ministry Associate

Garrett Hill

Music & Technical Director

Brandon Jones

Production Director

Sebastian Ray

Video Director

Kym Campbell

Administrative Assistant, Worship & Communications

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get involved in serving with the worship team?
The first step is to fill out the worship and production interest form. Once completed we will get in touch with you to determine the best pathway moving forward for you.
I’d like to serve but need some training. Are there any development programs for those who’d like to serve?
Yes, we offer various training opportunities for our worship ministry members. This includes vocal techniques, instrumental skills, audio and camera engineering, and worship leadership.
Who should I contact with other questions?

Email for any additional questions you may have and she can get you in touch with the right team member.

What can I expect from Christ Community Worship on Sunday mornings?
Our focus is on music that biblically rich, theologically true, and doctrinally sound. We recognize that songs teach theology as much as sermons do and exercise caution in song selection. We aim to select music that aligns with the musical language that is spoken by the culture of our church body.

Serve in Worship Ministry

There are a variety of ways to get involved in serving with Christ Community Worship. Join us as we embrace the call to make gospel-centered disciples among all people for the glory of God. We love connecting with those who are passionate about leading God’s people to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. However God has gifted you, there’s room for you to bring your time and talents to serve for His glory. From leading out front to serving behind the scenes, there are many ways to get involved. Let us know you’re ready to get started today!

Ways to Serve

  • Vocalists
  • Musicians
  • Videography
  • Stage Hands
  • Lighting, Audio, Video
  • More
  • Vocalists
  • Musicians
  • Videography
  • Stage Hands
  • Lighting, Audio, Video
  • More

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