MISSIONSJesus calls us to make us disciples wherever we find ourselves, so we're passionate about reaching our area with the gospel. Below are some of the ministries we're engaged in. Want to get involved? Let us know.
We created Family Village to care for and
support families involved in foster care, adoption, and Alongside Families. We want to bolster a united effort to meet the orphan care need in our community and support families who are fostering and adopting in our church.
Opportunities: Childcare for Events, Gifts and Service of Families, Mentorship, Guys' Days and Girls' Days
We partner with Caterpillar Ministries in the Huntington Green community in South Huntersville to support the well-being of families and to nurture and strengthen Christ-centered homes through faith development, academic enrichment, crisis care, and advocacy support.
Opportunities: Elementary to High School Tutoring, Bible Studies, Women's & Men's Events, Mentorship of Middle School and High School Students
We partner with St. James Elementary to meet each student's needs by coming alongside the staff, volunteers, and students.
Opportunities: Providing School Supplies, Serving Teachers & Administrators, Adopting Families for Thanksgiving & Christmas
We partner with CRM to provide cost-free, faith-based residential recovery programs that help people struggling with the disease of addiction achieve long-term sobriety, find financial stability and stable housing, and build healthy relationships.
Opportunities: Bible Studies, Meal Service, Facilitation of Church Involvement, Supply Drives
We partner with Heartbeats Pregnancy Care Center to care for women with unplanned pregnancies, fight for the sanctity of life, change lives, and build healthy families.
Opportunities: Supply Drives, Serving Staff & Volunteers, Adopting Families for Thanksgiving & Christmas
We partner with Denver FCA to lead every coach and athlete in the Denver area into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Opportunities: Meals for Teams, Leadership Training, Discipleship Opportunities
We partner with CPC LKN to uphold the sanctity of human life by demonstrating the love of Christ to women facing crisis pregnancies through the provision of spiritual, physical, and emotional support.
Opportunities: Beautification of Grounds, Assistance with Fundraiser Events, Lake Day, Adoption of Families for Thanksgiving & Christmas
MISSIONSWe're called to take the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. In addition to sending and supporting long-term international missionaries, we have several short-term trips coming up. Interested in learning more? Let us know.
COST: $1600 | DEPOSIT: $300
We partner with the Mee Family and Seminario
Bautista de Colombia to support and encourage the
believers in Colombia for the advancement of the gospel and
planting of churches among the unreached
2024 DATES
OCTOBER 18 - 24
COST: $3500 | DEPOSIT: $300
We partner with IMB missionaries in South Asia to support
and encourage the missionaries laboring for local ownership
of the gospel and the planting of churches among the
2024 DATES
OCTOBER 20 - 30
COST: $1800 | DEPOSIT: $300
We partner with Iglesia Vida to support and encourage the
believers in Guadalajara, Mexico. Our desire is to see the advancement of the gospel and the planting of churches in Mexico for the glory of God.
2024 DATES
OCTOBER 14 - 21
COST: $3200 | DEPOSIT: $300
We partner with Redeemer Queen's Park in Northwest
London to support and encourage the church in England for
the advancement of the gospel and planting of churches in a
post-Christian context.