Christ Community Church,
This past Sunday, I called our church family to confront and deal with our greatest spiritual weakness, our financial debt, by introducing We Believe. If you missed last Sunday, please take some time to visit the We Believe page on our website to listen to last weeks sermon.
God has been working in incredible ways in our faith family, bringing spiritual revitalization and spiritual growth in many areas. Through the generosity of one of our members, we received a $1,000,000 gift, $700,000 of which was allocated toward debt retirement. This act of generosity has now put our debt in a position to be paid off sooner rather than later.
Therefore, I announced a strategic effort to pay off the remaining 1.8 million dollars of financial debt. My prayer is that God would wipe this debt away by December 31 of this year, whether through having the money in hand or committed to be paid off in the next year.
The opportunities to advance mission and give generously once this debt is paid are endless. Imagine what we could do if the current $527,000 per year we spend on debt is allocated toward ministry, mission, or compassion needs? Also, if we pay off this debt, then $364,000 will no longer go toward interest over the next five years, but ministry and mission! Imagine the churches we could help revitalize or plant, or the local mission efforts we could begin or invest in. The opportunities are endless.
On November 5, we will have a special moment in our service dedicated to giving and committing towards this endeavor. We ask that you and your family prayerfully consider bringing a one time, sacrificial gift on November 5, and/or make a monthly commitment over the next year, above and beyond your tithe towards paying off our debt.
In order to help effectively communicate what the intended purpose is and answer questions along the way, we have a dedicated page on our website and we are hosting two vision meetings. If you missed last Sunday and would like to hear about We Believe, you can join me at one of the following two opportunities, both of which will be held in the Small Group Room in the cafe area:
• Wednesday, October 25 at 6:30 p.m.
• Sunday, October 29, at 9:00 a.m.
As we endeavor to do this together, here are a few things to keep in mind,
- Don’t stop giving to ministry budget. If you aren’t giving anything, give your tithe here.
- This is not about equal gifts but equal sacrifice. Every family is different so do what you can do and do it with a heart to please the Lord.
- The goal is to get out of debt. Pray for it.
I believe God is going to provide every dollar we need to wipe this debt away. I believe it. I need more people believing with me. I need you to believe with me. Let’s do this so we can better advance our missional vision of making gospel-centered disciples among all people for the glory of God. Let’s go forward unhindered, praying for God to do a miracle before our eyes. We believe.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday.
Pastor Ronnie