As women, we are called to intentional spiritual growth. Hebrews 10:24 & 25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” We are not called to sit on the sidelines of life watching others pursue the Lord. As a wife, mother, sister, or friend we have a unique influence on those around us. Because of that influence, gathering together with a group of ladies in a large group setting is crucial to grow spiritually. Coming together with a group of ladies allows you the opportunity to realize a few different things.
We are not alone in our struggles. A lie the enemy likes to tell us is that no one will ever understand what we are going through. When we break out of our shell and come together with other ladies we realize just how big of a lie that is. Everyone has struggles and that’s okay! We work to overcome our struggles by pursuing the Lord with like minded ladies who are going through similar struggles and seasons as us. We are stronger together. The enemy likes to convince us that we are weak and insignificant. He likes to tell us that we are better off on our own. When we come together with other women, whether that is through a ladies night or a brunch, we are reminded that there is strength in numbers. We can hear stories of how other women are doing in their life. We can then encourage each other in new ways because we came together.
Matthew 18:20 says, “Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am also.” When we gather together with a group of ladies, we are better for it. The Lord calls us to be in community with other believers. We can find accountability, people we aspire to be like, and people we can encourage along the way. To miss out on large group gatherings with other women, we cut ourselves short of the growth and joy we could experience with like minded believers.