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Building God’s Kingdom by serving with your time and talent.

Why “Core Team?”

In church planting, God uses a devoted group of everyday believers who are committed to seeing the gospel take root in a new community. This group is commonly called a “core team.” At Christ Community, we want every member to understand that God uses everyday believers to advance his Kingdom. 

Christians are called to use their skills and abilities in service to their church. The Bible teaches us that everyone has something to contribute and that it’s for our own good to join the mission. In other words, you need to serve and your church needs you to serve. We’d love to have you join our Core Team!

To serve at Christ Community, you must be a member. Membership begins with attending Open House, so if you haven’t completed that course, that’s your first step. After that, we have a variety of ministry teams for you to choose from.

Core Team Opportunities

Our God has given us an incredible mission, which means there are plenty of opportunities to serve! Find your best fit here.

Worship & Tech

Band, Audio Visual, Stage Team, Camera Operator, Photo/Video, Social

Guest Services

Coffee Team, Greeter, Parking, Next Steps, Seating Team, Security/Medical

Counsel & Care

Prayer Team & Member Care

Local & Global Missions

Local Outreach, International Missions, and Church Planting/Multiplication

Classes & Groups

Young Adult Ministry, Community Group Leaders & Hosts

Family Ministry

Kids Ministry, Student Ministry, & Awana

    Questions About Serving

    We’re here to help. Complete this form and our team will reach out to help!